A job interview resembles surgery, or a battle (it’s less bloody than both, but stick with us here). And success in all three requires preparation.
A doctor wouldn’t go into surgery without first figuring out where they were going to cut. A general wouldn’t go into battle without working out a plan of attack. Along the same lines, don’t go into an interview without conducting an adequate amount of research.
Like a doctor or a general, you need to prepare for action. You need to predict the problems you may encounter and plan solutions. That requires taking a deep dive into a few topics related to the company and the people conducting the interview.
Here are the seven things you need to research before heading into your job interview:
The Basics
Start with the baseline info about the company. Review the website to figure out its mission, its history, its size, and its products. Especially familiarize yourself with the parts of the company that relate to your position. That way, you can tailor your answers to specific items within the company.
Company Leaders
The website should have information about key players at the company. Gather a list of the CEO, the CFO and any other relevant names. Then go more in–depth regarding your prospective employer’s leadership, which should provide some insight into what traits the firm values most.
Your Interviewers
Try to get a list of the people who will be participating in your interview (if it seems appropriate, you can ask during the scheduling process). Once you have those names, you can search for more info. This will make it easier to make personal connections and will allow you to target your answers to what you learn about them.
Social Media Feeds
Most companies have a social media presence. Of course, the content generally consists of standard public relations fluff. You aren’t going to discover any secrets, but you may discover what the company values most and what it wants the public to think about it.
Employer Brand
Modern job searches include amazing tools that weren’t available even a few years ago. Sites like Glassdoor provide employer reviews and other information about companies where you may attend an interview. Check out these resources before heading into any meeting.
Recent News About the Company
Run a Google News search about the company you’ve applied to. It will let you see if the firm has generated any recent headlines. You can check for any red flags (recent layoffs) or items that give you a better read on the company’s values (recent charity work).
Check With Your Network
You can learn a lot about the reputation of a company by checking with your professional network. If you have a wide enough set of acquaintances, you are bound to find someone who has had some dealings with the company. Even if you don’t, the lack of recognition itself provides some insight. The company might be small, or it might represent a newly launched venture.
Having adequate insight about a prospective employer ahead of time makes the job search process more productive and ultimately more rewarding. An industry-leading recruiting partner, like Recruiting In Motion, can provide you with information about all the employers they work with. They provide an excellent resource for finding the perfect position.
Contact Recruiting In Motion to learn more.