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Loyalty is a Two-Way Street 

Loyalty is a Two-Way Street  | Recruiting in Motion

The Great Resignation is the term experts use for American employees’ historically high quit rate over the last six months. As employees are quitting in droves, many employers wonder what happened to company or job loyalty. In business, loyalty needs to be a two-way street. Here is why you need to be loyal to your employees and a few reasons why they may not feel loyal to you.  

Is Loyalty a Two Way Street?

Put Employee Engagement First 

The most important thing for employee loyalty is your dedication to your team. This means you should put employee engagement at the top of your priority list. Your employees, not your customers, are your most valuable asset. Develop programs that engage your team and create career satisfaction.  

Provide Constructive Feedback  

There are times when you’ll need to give feedback to your employees. Many employers are concerned that any negative feedback will lead to resignations, so they’re walking on eggshells. But feedback doesn’t have to come across as harsh or hostile. Focus on giving constructive feedback that encourages them to improve their performance.  

Recognize and Reward Accomplishments 

It’s equally necessary that you recognize your team for their hard work and create a culture of gratitude. When you regularly thank your employees, you’ll find that gratitude is contagious and will increase employee satisfaction. You should also reward significant accomplishments publicly so everyone knows how much you value their contributions.  

Listen to Employee Concerns 

When your employees come to you with concerns, you must listen. These concerns could differentiate employee retention from The Great Resignation if taken seriously and addressed. Always make an effort to improve your performance as a manager and take employee concerns seriously.  

Be Transparent  

To increase retention, you also need to practice transparency. Have open and honest communication, trust your employees with essential information about the company and your successes and failures. When you’re transparent with your team, you build trust and encourage your team to be open with you.  

Are You Showing Your Loyalty?

Contact Recruiting in Motion to see what we can do for you.  

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