How Can You Be More of an Empathetic Leader?
You’re Aware of Your Team’s Needs
A good leader can visualize what their team needs to do good work. Of course, you don’t have to be magic to figure it out. One of the hallmarks of good leadership is regularly checking in with your employees to see how they’re doing and find out what they need from you. You can also gain insight from simple observation and empathizing with concerns.
You’re able to Confront Their Fears
Sometimes employees have objections or concerns not because they aren’t capable of doing something but because they are afraid. Fear and anxiety can creep in around many things, including learning new things, failure, and uncertainty. In many ways, employees look to their manager to help resolve these concerns, but you have to be proactive about your response.
You Understand What Motivates
Leaders learn about each employee and understand that everyone has different motivators. Your job is to tap into your team’s individual strengths and encourage them to do a fantastic job with their skill set. Never take a one-size-fits-all approach with motivation, as different things throughout their career will drive each person.
You Connect with Purpose
Today’s employees want to know that their work accomplishes something greater than themselves. They want work that matters at a company with shared values. As the leader, you represent those ideals. Be sure to connect with a purpose to your team. Be authentic, be transparent, and ensure that you regularly share gratitude.
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