⚠️NOTICE: There has been an increase in online scammers falsely representing recruiting and staffing agency representatives, including Recruiting in Motion professionals. At RIM, we never request payments or personal information via unsolicited messages. Please be diligent and avoid clicking on unverified links and, if in doubt, contact us directly.

4 Tips for Bringing Furloughed Employees Back to Work

The long nightmare is over. (At least, we hope it is.) After months of restrictions brought on by the COVID-19 outbreak, many businesses are getting back to work. That means they’re calling furloughed employees and returning to regular operations.  However, that process might prove more complicated than we think. A lot has happened in the last couple […]

Will the Workforce Be Changed Forever After COVID-19?

In the wake of tragedy, the world often seems permanently altered. However, not all of these post-crisis adjustments end up lasting. As the COVID-19 outbreak overwhelms the economy, the workforce might seem changed forever. But how much of the transformation will stick?  Each generation has an event that defines how they perceive the world. From Pearl Harbor to the Kennedy Assassination to 9/11, […]

Non-verbal interview mistakes

You’ve received that coveted call for a job interview and now you are taking time to prepare some solid answers to possible interview questions so that you can land the job – but you’re missing one key component. Your verbal responses, although incredibly important, aren’t the only things hiring managers are paying attention to in […]

Preparing your first resume

​Click the ​picture above to see Sari Cantor on CTV Morning Live Ottawa Writing your first resume is exciting, but it can also be a bit intimidating. You might be unsure of where to start and what to include but the good news is, having a clear strategy can help you craft a great first […]

Kick-starting your career search

Click the image above to watch Recruiting in Motion – Ottawa’s Sari Cantor ​New year, new job: one of the most common mantras for job searchers in January. The time of new beginnings and self-reflection can be a great period to evaluate your career and think about your future goals, both personally and professionally. But […]

How to approach your boss for a raise

​Click the image above to watch Recruiting in Motion – Ottawa’s Sari Cantor on CTV ​Morning Live Ottawa ​In general, talking to your boss shouldn’t be too daunting. You likely do it everyday, but when your salary is involved you might start to feel uncomfortable. As we approach the end of the year, many are […]