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1 in 5 Managers Indicate They Lack Hiring Skills – Here’s How to Not Be That “One”!

Hiring skills are far from universal. This is true even among the professionals tasked with doing most of the hiring. As we point out in our comprehensive eBook on the subject, a study found that 1 out of 5 managers admitted that they didn’t have the appropriate skills to interview and to hire people effectively.  Here, we’re going to outline how […]

5 Steps to Get Back in the Game After Losing a Job

The coronavirus outbreak led to a wave of mass layoffs. Millions of Americans suddenly lost their jobs. If you were one of these, it can represent a traumatic experience. However, there are ways to quickly get back in the game after losing a job, even in difficult economic times.  First of all, remember: you’re not alone. As of mid-June, about 30 million people were […]

Top 4 Reasons Accountants Leave Their Jobs

  Controlling turnover is important in any business. The process gets especially difficult in the accounting profession, due to heavy demand and the need for specialized skills. For that reason, it’s crucial to investigate why accountants would want to leave your firm.  According to The CPA Journal, turnover at large firms (those with revenues above $20 million) […]

5 Tips for Conducting a Flawless Virtual Interview

  In the aftermath of COVID-19, you likely got a lot of opportunities to practice coordinating virtual meetings. As a result, you might feel like you’ve mastered the process. However, there’s always room for improvement. You can still learn new tricks in your quest to conduct a flawless virtual interview.  The coronavirus outbreak forced many companies to rely […]

Non-verbal interview mistakes

You’ve received that coveted call for a job interview and now you are taking time to prepare some solid answers to possible interview questions so that you can land the job – but you’re missing one key component. Your verbal responses, although incredibly important, aren’t the only things hiring managers are paying attention to in […]

Preparing your first resume

​Click the ​picture above to see Sari Cantor on CTV Morning Live Ottawa Writing your first resume is exciting, but it can also be a bit intimidating. You might be unsure of where to start and what to include but the good news is, having a clear strategy can help you craft a great first […]