⚠️NOTICE: There has been an increase in online scammers falsely representing recruiting and staffing agency representatives, including Recruiting in Motion professionals. At RIM, we never request payments or personal information via unsolicited messages. Please be diligent and avoid clicking on unverified links and, if in doubt, contact us directly.


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Our Newest Location

Our newest location – the center of the universe!

I have been living in Toronto for over 20 years and, as many Torontonians have experienced when traveling throughout Canada, I will sometimes get the “raised eyebrows” when people hear that I am from Toronto. This is because there are many Canadians that dislike those of us living in the Big Smoke. Yes, it is true. I am sad to say that many non-Torontonians have negative feelings towards the 6 million or so people that live here.

It is strange that individuals can immediately form an adverse opinion of someone simply because of their postal code, but it happens – and not only to Rob Ford! It could be due to jealousy because we are the financial capital of the country, or it could be because we have more head-offices than any other Canadian city, or maybe because our downtown business-people are very busy and do not have time to give everyone a warm hug as they pass them on the street. It may also be because many Torontonians feel that we are the center of the universe. Of course this is impossible because, as most of us who watch “The Big Bang Theory” will tell you, the whole universe is expanding and it is doing so equally at all places, as far as we can tell.

Regardless of the above, I have decided to embrace my love of the city that I call home, and proudly announce that Recruiting in Motion has just opened our 2nd office in downtown Toronto at 8 King Street East! Our downtown partners Evelynne Ross and Dave Tih are proudly planting roots in the office and are welcoming new candidates and clients with open arms. They may even be willing to give you a hug if they see you on the street!

So, although it may not actually be the center of the universe, our downtown Toronto location is at the center of our hearts and we look forward to having you drop by!

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