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Job Security in Remote Work 

Job Security in Remote Work | Recruiting in Motion

Job security has always been a concern. And with the world embracing remote work, there are questions about ensuring that jobs are genuinely secure. How can a manager truly determine someone’s commitment and productivity without in-person supervision? Candidates can ask questions that help them better understand how job security will work in a remote environment. Let’s take a closer look.  

How Secure is a Remote Job?

Know, Like, and Trust 

Human nature is to put faith in people we know, like, and trust. When you’re working for someone remotely, how do you ensure these three aspects? If you’re not in the office, how do you get to know the management team and build that trust in your skill set and as a person? There are several steps to achieve this even in a remote environment, but the most important is to be present even when working from home.  

Create Shared Experiences 

When you can do in-person events, jump at the chance. This might be a conference, an after-party, or just a day in the office once in a while. Creating these shared experiences will give your managers something to go on when thinking about your work with the company. It’s not just about doing good work but also about creating good relationships with the people around you.  

Honest Communication 

Honesty and integrity is also a crucial element when working from home. Focus on communication to keep your management team in the loop. Don’t overcommunicate to come across as someone who can’t work independently, but know when you have frank conversations with the right people at the right time.   

Asking the Right Questions 

A strong remote worker with job security can ask the right questions. Asking the right questions is an art form that can put you in an excellent position for future growth. For example, when you see a system or process that could be improved, ask the right question to encourage your management team to consider it. When you do this often enough, you’ll become the go-to person for innovation that can lead to job security.  

Do you want to work remotely for a great company? The team at Recruiting in Motion can help, so call today.  

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