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Ace Your Interview: Listen to the Entire Question before Answering

We get it. Nerves take over. The excitement gets to you. You don’t mean to be rude, but you’re so amped up you can’t even listen to the entire question before starting your answer.  It wasn’t supposed to be this way. You enter your job interview planning to present the most tranquil, professional demeanor possible. […]

Idealistic Starting Salaries for New Graduates

Ah, the real world. You’ve been hearing about it for at least a couple of decades. Now, you’re finally graduating and can hit the job market with your fresh degrees.  But what kind of salary can you expect? All the work you put into your college education is about to start paying off. But many […]

Want Success? Start Doing These 4 Things Before 8AM

Getting ahead is about getting the most out of your time. Before you even officially start work, you can take steps that will help you maximize the rest of your day. In this way, you can achieve success by improving your morning routine.  Sustaining your momentum throughout the workday can prove difficult. One study showed […]

Feeling Defeated by Continuous Job Rejections?

One expert estimates that the average job candidate will hear 24 rejections before they receive an offer. That’s two dozen times hearing “no” before you get to that invigorating “yes.” Not great odds.  And that’s just the average. Don’t be surprised if your list of rejections pushes past the 25 mark. It’s enough to sap your […]

Not Getting the Salary You Deserve? Here’s Why You Should Jump Ship ASAP

You probably don’t think of your time as a commodity, bought and sold on a market. However, that’s basically what holding a job involves. With that in mind, are you getting everything you deserve? Or is it time to jump ship and find a better salary somewhere else?  Those questions come down to market dynamics: […]

Ace Your Interview: Digging Yourself Out of a Tanking Interview

You can feel the job interview slipping away. There’s an uncomfortable silence after you reveal your biggest weakness. A tension arises as you discuss your previous employer. You’re starting to feel a rising terror.  But what can you do to save the situation?  No need to panic. Just because you sense trouble doesn’t mean that […]