⚠️NOTICE: There has been an increase in online scammers falsely representing recruiting and staffing agency representatives, including Recruiting in Motion professionals. At RIM, we never request payments or personal information via unsolicited messages. Please be diligent and avoid clicking on unverified links and, if in doubt, contact us directly.

Am I the Toxic Person at Work?

Everyone wants to see themselves as the office hero. You’re fighting the good fight. You’re setting the standard for performance. To everyone around you, you represent the shining beacon of corporate excellence.  That’s the version you have running in your head. But what if that’s not what everyone else sees? What if your coworkers see all those fights as petty and experience your […]

5 Steps to Get Back in the Game After Losing a Job

The coronavirus outbreak led to a wave of mass layoffs. Millions of Americans suddenly lost their jobs. If you were one of these, it can represent a traumatic experience. However, there are ways to quickly get back in the game after losing a job, even in difficult economic times.  First of all, remember: you’re not alone. As of mid-June, about 30 million people were […]

How to get interview feedback

​Click the image above to watch Recruiting in Motion – Ottawa’s Sari Cantor on CTV Morning Live Ottawa We’ve all been there. You leave an interview feeling great, expecting that offer to come in the near future, and you’re met with disappointment when you don’t actually land the job. Although it might be tempting to […]

Recruiting in Motion Helping Students in KW

In our last blog post, we shared our top tips for hiring new graduates. Helping to shape the next generation of new graduates, our Recruiting in Motion – Kitchener Waterloo office has established a co-op placement program for high school students. Leslie Heathers, Director, Placement Services at Recruiting in Motion – Kitchener Waterloo started the […]

Tips For Hiring New Grads

It’s the time of year again when new university and college graduates are looking for jobs. Although the influx of potential candidates is great for filling any unoccupied positions, there are a few things to keep in mind when hiring your new employees straight out of school. New graduates are generally quite excited to get […]