⚠️NOTICE: There has been an increase in online scammers falsely representing recruiting and staffing agency representatives, including Recruiting in Motion professionals. At RIM, we never request payments or personal information via unsolicited messages. Please be diligent and avoid clicking on unverified links and, if in doubt, contact us directly.

Job Hunting While You’re Employed

It might be an awkward situation, but most of us will likely experience job searching while employed at least once in his or her career. Although it can be tricky, we have some tips to make it easier: 1. Don’t talk about your intentions with your coworkers You might have a good relationship with your […]

How to prepare for a phone interview

As far as interviews go, it’s always best to go through the process face-to-face. Given today’s technology and the prevalence of remote work opportunities, there may be an occasion where you need to have a phone interview. A hiring manager might even want to conduct a preliminary interview over the phone before they bring you […]

Leading a team effectively

If you are in a management or leadership role, your style significantly influences your team. Being focused, prepared, thorough, transparent, flexible, and innovative all trickles down to how you are perceived by your team. Here are some things to keep in mind to lead a team effectively: 1. Hire the right people It might seem […]

Big Company vs. Small Company: What’s the best fit?

Different company’s work for different people; some people perform better in an organization with fewer employees and a small office, while others prefer to work in large organizations with more employees and more structure. Many employees work for companies of various sizes throughout their career, however it’s important to figure out the type of workplace […]