Candidate Edition: When Life Gives You Lemons, Make Orange Juice
Recruiting is far from an exact science. In fact, the process fails almost as much as it works. One study showed that nearly half of all new hires (46%) fail in the first 18 months. Does that mean there is a lack of suitable candidates? Sometimes. But it’s also part of your recruiting task to make the […]
Ace Your Interview: Bringing the Correct Stats to an Interview
We live in a time of big data. It seems like every aspect of life now has a number attached. (Just check your Apple Watch if you don’t believe us.) You need to learn to bring this data mindset into your next job interview, landing your dream positions by presenting the correct stats about you. The key is knowing the right information to provide. […]
Did the Pandemic End the 9 to 5 Work Model for Good?
The pandemic changed a lot of lives permanently. While many of these effects were heartbreakingly tragic, some of the lasting impacts will lead to positive changes for the long haul. Breaking down the traditional 9-to-5 work schedule might be the most significant of these lingering COVID consequences. A survey conducted by Upwork found that one in four Americans will […]
Ace Your Interview: Digging Yourself Out of a Tanking Interview
You can feel the job interview slipping away. There’s an uncomfortable silence after you reveal your biggest weakness. A tension arises as you discuss your previous employer. You’re starting to feel a rising terror. But what can you do to save the situation? No need to panic. Just because you sense trouble doesn’t mean that […]
5 Reasons Hiring Isn’t As Easy as People May Think
You glance at a few resumes, ask a couple questions in an interview, and pick the best candidate for a job. Hiring seems pretty simple, right? However, it never turns out as easy as people think. Just look at the stats. HR experts say that 50% of new hires fail. That’s right: half of your recruitment decisions […]
Ace Your Interview: Keep Your Answers Concise and Focused
Can you talk yourself out of a job? Unfortunately, the answer is often “yes.” Rambling and disjointed answers can tank an interview and leave you out of the best opportunities. That’s why it’s crucial to keep your answers concise and focused. The length of time you should spend on each interview answer varies based on the type […]