⚠️NOTICE: There has been an increase in online scammers falsely representing recruiting and staffing agency representatives, including Recruiting in Motion professionals. At RIM, we never request payments or personal information via unsolicited messages. Please be diligent and avoid clicking on unverified links and, if in doubt, contact us directly.

Gain a Competitive Advantage in Hiring

What’s the lesson of 2020? Store plenty of toilet paper and hand sanitizer, obviously. But what else? In terms of hiring, 2020 has taught us that it’s important to stay on the cutting edge to gain a competitive advantage.  Having a leg up in the tech game becomes a key asset in troubled times. It […]

As the Candidate Landscape Changes, Is Your Company Keeping Up?

A lot can change in just a couple of months. As a result of the COVID-19 outbreak, the labor market has seen massive disruption. As the candidate landscape changes, is your company doing enough to keep up?  Just think of what half a year did to the recruiting process. As late as February 2020, it looked like the U.S. had […]

Get a Head Start With Video Interviewing

Looking to jumpstart a relationship with your best job prospects? Want to streamline your process and improve your candidate experience? Video interviewing lets you get a head start on the most crucial part of the recruiting journey.  The arrival of COVID-19 made video interviewing a hot topic. Many businesses had to scramble to add the […]

Be the Front Runner for New Hiring Techniques

Everyone knows that running a successful business means engaging in constant competition. The market is a non-stop MMA battle for supremacy. But, while everyone intellectually understands that success requires persistent struggle, they sometimes forget how completely that competitiveness impacts every aspect of corporate life.   Take hiring as an example.   Recruiting the best team requires a constant battle for talent…the same level of economic […]

National Safety Month: Tips for Reassuring Your Employees Safety in Returning to Work

In areas heavily affected by the COVID-19 outbreak, it feels like lockdowns have gone on forever. However, there is some light at the end of the tunnel. Many states have begun to ease coronavirus restrictions, allowing more businesses to open their doors.   This presents a new safety challenge. As you bring your operation back online, […]

Will the Workforce Be Changed Forever After COVID-19?

In the wake of tragedy, the world often seems permanently altered. However, not all of these post-crisis adjustments end up lasting. As the COVID-19 outbreak overwhelms the economy, the workforce might seem changed forever. But how much of the transformation will stick?  Each generation has an event that defines how they perceive the world. From Pearl Harbor to the Kennedy Assassination to 9/11, […]